Security and Check-in

To check your child into the nursery or any of the E-Station classes, please enter the E-Station doors located to the right after entering the main entrance, where a trained volunteer will assist you.
Every time your child is in the E-Station nursery or attends class you will follow this same procedure to check in your child. If you are staying for more than one service, please be sure to check your child in for all services they will be attending. If you are staying for multiple services, please come back to E-Station in between services to move your child to their proper class. Your child will be given a room assignment and a name tag that contains a security code. You will be given tags that contain the same security code. You must show these security tags when entering and picking up your child in the E-Station area of the building. Place the tag on your child’s shirt and drop your child off at their assigned room.
Remember to keep your security tag. You will need that tag to pick up your child after services.