
The Exploring Service is designed for those who are just beginning to investigate Christianity or who are recently returning to faith. The service addresses topical themes and spiritual questions relevant to everyday life such as "Who is God?" and "How can I accomplish a more meaningful and more enjoyable life?”

  • The Exploring Service is held every Sunday at 11 a.m.
  • Click one of the buttons below to watch or listen to the latest message, view the entire series, review notes, share and access archived messages.

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We hear idioms all the time, certain phrases that guide our lives.  These adages can steer our thinking and sharpen decision-making. Maybe a grandparent said it; maybe you heard it from a teacher or coach.  Maybe your parents hammered home their wisdom in a well-worn axiom.  Some are movie quotes, some were penned by a classic author, but quite a few found their origin in the Bible, the source for many idioms that can serve as wise signposts for our lives.