Equipping Service

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Message Date Speaker Actions Downloads
The Branch
Christmas Predicted Matthew 2:7-23
Chad Hovind
The Seed
Christmas Predicted Luke 1:46-55
Drew Thorwall
The Star
Christmas Predicted Matthew 1:18-2:6
Chad Hovind
Closing Arguments
LUKE: The Evidence Is in Luke 24:50-53
Chad Hovind
Jury Deliberations
LUKE: The Evidence Is in Luke 24:44-48
Chad Hovind
Eyewitness Appearances
LUKE: The Evidence Is in Luke 24:36-43
Drew Thorwall
Old Testament Discovery Process
LUKE: The Evidence Is in Luke 24:13-35
Drew Thorwall
Credible Witnesses?
LUKE: The Evidence Is in Luke 24:1-12
Chad Hovind
Watch His Death
LUKE: Countdown to the Cross Luke 23:44-56
Drew Thorwall
Explore His Crucifixion
LUKE: Countdown to the Cross Luke 23:32-43
Chad Hovind
Hear His Warnings
LUKE: Countdown to the Cross Luke 23:26-31
Chad Hovind
Feel His Trial
LUKE: Countdown to the Cross Luke 23:18-25
Drew Thorwall
Notice His Enemies
LUKE: Countdown to the Cross Luke 23:1-16
Chad Hovind
Think About His Interrogation
LUKE: Countdown to the Cross Luke 22:63-71
Chad Hovind
Discover Your Love Style and Enhance Your Relationships
How We Love (Equipping)
Milan and Kay Yerkovich