Help Horizon Bag Hunger
By Providing Food
for Local Families in Need!
Horizon, in partnership with IPM Food Pantry, provides food for families in need in Clermont County and Eastern Hamilton County. You can help through this simple “Bag Hunger” program. Take a blue bag, found in Horizon’s Atrium, (or any bag) with you on your next shopping trip, fill it with any combination of the items below, and return it to Horizon’s Information Desk.
• Boxed cereal
• Pasta/spaghetti sauce
• Rice mixes
• Canned soups, stew, chili
• Boxed desserts/mixes
• Canned fruit
• Peanut butter/jams & jellies
• Instant potatoes
• Canned chicken, tuna & ham
• Boxed dinner mixes (Helper Meals)
• Beans (kidney, pinto, Great Northern)
Thank you for your help!
IPM Food Bank is located in Eastgate, OH and provides emergency assistance for families in Clermont County and Eastern Hamilton County that are in need of food, clothing and other life-sustaining supplies. If you would like to make a monetary donation, visit www.ipmfoodpantry.org.