
Horizon offers groups, with varying topics and curriculum, to help you grow spiritually and also build relationships. Horizon periodically records group sessions. The group sessions that have been recorded are available to listen to here.

Message Date Speaker Actions Downloads
Embracing the Heart of Your Spouse - Part 1
Family Night: The Heart of the Family Series
Milan and Kay Yerkovich
Embracing the Heart of Your Spouse - Part 2
Family Night: The Heart of the Family Series
Milan and Kay Yerkovich
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Story
Kenn Kington
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Story
Kenn Kington
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Story
Kenn Kington
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Story
Kenn Kington
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Story
Kenn Kington
Looking Back
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Story
Kenn Kington
Horizon Women Present... The Good in the Hard: Six Lessons Learned During the Challenges of Life
Horizon Women Present...
Beth Guckenberger
Seasons - The Series Action Plan
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Design
Kenn Kington
The Four Faces of Manhood, Part 2
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Design
Drew Thorwall
The Four Faces of Manhood, Part 1
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Design
Kenn Kington
Manhood Definition
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Design
Kenn Kington
Create and Cultivate
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Design
Kenn Kington
Manhood Realities - Recalculating
The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Design
Kenn Kington