Visual Aids: Ezekiel's Teaching Style
Ezekiel 1-19
The Prophet Ezekiel came on the scene at a time when the Israelites were adrift, and he brought vivid warnings of the dangers of rebellion. A master communicator, Ezekiel used a variety of creative object lessons to communicate the passion and purity of God. Even today, Ezekiel's VISUAL AIDS offer a three-dimensional guide for deepening your relationship with God. Join Horizon for this verse-by-verse study of Ezekiel, beginning on Aug. 6-7th at the Equipping Services.
Aug 6-7, Narrative, Book of Ezekiel
Aug. 13-14, An Eaten Scroll, Ezekiel 2-3:15
Aug. 20-21, A Four Wheeler, Ezekiel 1
Aug. 27-28, Green Army Men, Ezekiel 3:16-4:17
Sept. 3-4, God’s Barber Shop, Ezekiel 5
Sept. 10-11, Pound Your Fists and Stomp Your Feet, Ezekiel 6-7
Sept. 17-18, Digging in the Wall and the Battle Axe, Ezekiel 8-9
Sept. 24-25, Fiery Coals and Cooking Meat, Ezekiel 10-11
Oct. 1-2, The Wall and the Knapsack, Ezekiel 12
Oct. 8-9, Cheap Concrete, Ezekiel 13
Oct. 15-16, Four Judgments, Ezekiel 14
Oct.22-23, A Burnt Vine and Nativity, Ezekiel 15-16:14
Oct. 29-30, A Dysfunctional Family, Ezekiel 16:15-63
Nov. 5-6, Eagles and Vines, Ezekiel 17
Nov. 12-13, No More Sour Grapes, Ezekiel 18
Nov. 19-20, A Momma Lion, Ezekiel 19