Exploring Service

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Guest Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch
Dr. Kathy Koch | Exploring
Dr. Kathy Koch
The Great Wall of China: Does Christianity Build Walls Between Different Religions?
Seven Wonders
Chad Hovind
Machu Picchu: Aren’t All Religions the Same?
Seven Wonders
Ryan Ventura
The Great Pyramid: Can We Prepare For or Defeat Death?
Seven Wonders
Chad Hovind
Taj Mahal: Is It Better To Have Loved and Lost?
Seven Wonders
Chad Hovind
Christ the Redeemer Statue: Does Jesus Create Followers With Open Arms?
Seven Wonders
Kenn Kington
Colosseum: Why Does God Permit Injustice?
Seven Wonders
Chad Hovind
Chichén Itzá: Ever Wonder Why We Wonder?
Seven Wonders
Chad Hovind
Cultivate Ripe Relationships
Drew Thorwall
The Promise of Pomegranates
Chad Hovind
Enhance the Flavor of Life
Guest Speaker
The Power of Satisfaction With Food
Drew Thorwall
Making Every Day Fresh
Chad Hovind
Thinking With Both Hands
Jesus Jiu Jitsu
Chad Hovind
Seeing Without Looking
Jesus Jiu Jitsu
Chad Hovind