Exploring Service

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Message Date Speaker Actions Downloads
A Chaos-Entering Dad
Father Christmas
Chad Hovind
A Comforting Dad
Father Christmas
Ryan Ventura
A Perfect Dad
Father Christmas
Chad Hovind
Scientific Innovations: Galileo
Trailblazers: Heresy or History?
Chad Hovind
Medical Innovations: Florence Nightingale
Trailblazers: Heresy or History?
Chad Hovind
Humanitarian Innovations: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Trailblazers: Heresy or History?
Adam Dressler
Business Innovations: Arthur Guinness
Trailblazers: Heresy or History?
Chad Hovind
Communication Innovations: Johannes Gutenberg
Trailblazers: Heresy or History?
Chad Hovind
Passing Your Values to Your Children
Start With the Heart
Dr. Kathy Koch
Checking Your Distractions
Baggage Claim
Chad Hovind
Checking Your Bitterness
Baggage Claim
Chad Hovind
Checking Your Neglect
Baggage Claim
Kenn Kington
Checking Your Jealousy
Baggage Claim
Chad Hovind
Checking Your Deflection
Baggage Claim
Chad Hovind
Discover Your Love Style and Enhance Your Relationships
How We Love (Exploring)
Milan and Kay Yerkovich