Hippopotamus: Shutting Your Mouth

In the Wild: Life Lessons From the Animal Kingdom

Chad Hovind
February 24, 2019

When we're in pain, it's easy to let circumstances define us. But the Bible declares that God is ever present during tough times, and points to the Animal Kingdom for examples of His consistent love. Whether it's the lion providing for its cubs or a donkey enduring in a desert, we see God's faithfulness. In the strength of an eagle or the unique speed of an ostrich, we see His attention to detail. And in a world populated by hundreds of other species, the Creator still seeks an individual relationship with each of us. Join Horizon for In the Wild, an Exploring Series beginning on January 6th.

Other Messages in this Series

Message Date Speaker Actions Downloads
Eagle: Seeing God's Provision
In the Wild: Life Lessons From the Animal Kingdom
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Horse: Galloping Into Life's Battles
In the Wild: Life Lessons From the Animal Kingdom
Chad Hovind
Wild Ox: Taking No for an Answer
In the Wild: Life Lessons From the Animal Kingdom
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Ostrich: Accepting Strengths and Weaknesses
In the Wild: Life Lessons From the Animal Kingdom
Chad Hovind
Donkey: Surviving the Desert Season
In the Wild: Life Lessons From the Animal Kingdom
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Goat: Understanding God's Timing
In the Wild: Life Lessons From the Animal Kingdom
Chad Hovind
Lion: Processing Pain
In the Wild: Life Lessons From the Animal Kingdom
Chad Hovind