Ready To Rumble: Yahweh vs. the Egyptian Pantheon
Exodus 7-12
As the journey to the Exodus continues, God steps into the ring with a pantheon of Egyptian gods. Yahweh proves His supremacy via a series of stunning plagues, each aimed at a particular Egyptian deity. These miraculous displays reveal a God who consistently proves His worthiness, consistency, and reliability in the context of culture.
2/28/2016, Yahweh vs Hapi, Exodus 7:1-24
3/6/2016, Yahweh vs HEQAT, Exodus 8:1-15
3/13/2016, Yahweh vs Seb/Uatchit, Exodus 8:16-32
3/20/2016, Yahweh’s Passover, Exodus 12:1-16
3/27/2016, EASTER
4/3/2016, Yahweh vs Hathor, Serapis & Isis, Exodus 9
4/10/2016, Yahweh vs Serapia & Re, Exodus 10
4/17/2016, Yahweh’s Judgment, Exodus 12:17-30
4/24/2016, Yahweh vs Pharaoh, Exodus 11
5/1/2016, Yahweh’s Exodus, Exodus 12:37-51