Seminars & Workshops

Horizon offers workshops and seminars throughout the year on various topics. Family Night sessions are held for parents throughout the year that cover relevant topics affecting children growing up in our modern-day society. The Authentic Manhood sessions are also held throughout the year and cover topics that men face at work and at home. Horizon periodically records these and other workshops and seminars. If you've missed a session or want to watch or listen to it again, those that have been recorded are available here.

Message Date Speaker Actions Downloads
Authentic Manhood: Week 1
Authentic Manhood: A Man and His Story
Ryan Ventura
Resiliency: A Necessary Ability for Today's Times
Parenting Workshop
Dr. Kathy Koch
The Four Faces of Manhood Part 2
Authentic Manhood: A Man And His Design
Kenn Kington
The Four Faces Of Manhood: Part 1
Authentic Manhood: A Man And His Design
Kenn Kington
Manhood Definition
Authentic Manhood: A Man And His Design
Kenn Kington
Manhood Realities
Authentic Manhood: A Man And His Design
Kenn Kington
Strengthening Your Marriage
Feldhahn Marriage Seminar
Shaunti & Jeff Feldhahn
Roadmap Men's Group
Kenn Kington
What She Wants and What We Need
Roadmap Men's Group
Kenn Kington
Successfully Interpreting How Women Think, Speak and Behave
Roadmap Men's Group
Kenn Kington
Understanding a Woman’s Unique Brain
Roadmap Men's Group
Kenn Kington
Wire Stripper: Use the Right Setting and Make a Way Home
God's Home Info Men's Group
Chad Hovind
Hammer Drill: When Do I Need to Swap My Hammer For a Drill?
God's Home Info Men's Group
Chad Hovind
Drywall Patching Kit: How to Repair and Forgive
God's Home Info Men's Group
Chad Hovind
Stud Finder: Go Behind the Surface
God's Home Info Men's Group
Chad Hovind