Guest Speakers

Message Date Speaker Actions Downloads
Strategic Significance
Life Coach
Jim Coddington
How Can God Strengthen Me? (Habakkuk 3:16-19)
Wrestling With God Habakkuk 3:16-19
Jim Coddington
Strategic Change
Life Coach
Cal Rychener
Indiana Jones and the Search for Forgiveness
Reel Relationships
Jim Coddington
Tales of the Not Forgotten
Tales Of The Not Forgotten
Beth Guckenberger
Who Adopts?
Beth Guckenberger
A New Reflection (Colossians 3:5-11)
Operation Colossians 3:5-11
Jim Coddington
Glorious Gifts
Christmas Wishes
Kenn Kington
Sent to Provide Charity
Christmas Predictions Matthew 2:7-13
Kenn Kington
Live Strong (Equipping Service)
The Strong Challenge (Equipping) 2 Chronicles 20:33-37
Kenn Kington
Live Strong (Exploring Service)
The Strong Challenge (Exploring)
Kenn Kington
Learn Strong
The Strong Challenge (Exploring)
Jim Coddington
Learn Strong (Equipping)
The Strong Challenge (Equipping) 2 Chronicles 17:7-10
Jim Coddington
Encountering Anger (James 1:16-20)
Close Encounters James 1:16-20
Kenn Kington
Merge Ahead: Reconciling Differences
GPS: God's Parenting System
Kenn Kington