Changing Outlooks and Predictions

Tales of the Unexpected

Ryan Ventura
February 20, 2022

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that life is unpredictable. When our best laid plans collapse, it’s our response that can make or break us. Learning to handle change is the key to finding meaning and purpose. The Bible is filled with accounts of people who faced hiccups, handicaps and hitches, yet managed to overcome them with God’s help. 

Song titles this Sunday


  • Roses: Andrew Ripp

Other Messages in this Series

Message Date Speaker Actions Downloads
The Joy of the Windfall
Tales of the Unexpected
Chad Hovind
Requirements and Requests
Tales of the Unexpected
Chad Hovind
Thankfulness in the Little Things
Tales of the Unexpected
Chad Hovind
Unexpected Surprises
Tales of the Unexpected
Chad Hovind