A Place to Serve Passionately

Redefining Church

Chad Hovind
August 12, 2007

In his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul counseled church leaders moving out into the empire, guiding them as they started churches in a climate of expectancy, adversity, and potential. Here we are, some 2000 years later, working to spread God's story through the church, and Paul's wisdom still rings true. Redefining Church explores Horizon's own future and the Biblical guard rails that can guide us. 

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A Place to Experience Community
Redefining Church Romans 15:2-33
Chad Hovind
A Place to Build Others
Redefining Church Romans 14:13-23
Phil Charlton
A Place to Live with Integrity
Redefining Church Romans 13:11-14:13
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A Place to Live Under Authority
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A Place to Think Correctly
Redefining Church Romans 12
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