Exploring Service

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Message Date Speaker Actions Downloads
Gracious Generosity
Christmas Wishes
Chad Hovind
Lasting Laughter
Christmas Wishes
Chad Hovind
Gallant Gratitude
Christmas Wishes
Chad Hovind
Live Strong (Exploring Service)
The Strong Challenge (Exploring)
Kenn Kington
Serve Strong (Exploring Service)
The Strong Challenge (Exploring)
Chad Hovind
Train Strong (Exploring Service)
The Strong Challenge (Exploring)
Chad Hovind
Learn Strong
The Strong Challenge (Exploring)
Jim Coddington
Communicate Strong
The Strong Challenge (Exploring)
Chad Hovind
Play Strong
The Strong Challenge (Exploring)
Chad Hovind
U-turn: Appealing and Surrendering Well
GPS: God's Parenting System
Chad Hovind
Merge Ahead: Reconciling Differences
GPS: God's Parenting System
Kenn Kington
Two-Way Street: Delighting in Children
GPS: God's Parenting System
Chad Hovind
Danger: Consequences and Rewards
GPS: God's Parenting System
Chad Hovind
Yield: Learning Respect for Authority
GPS: God's Parenting System
Kenn Kington
Stop: Internal Navigation
GPS: God's Parenting System
Chad Hovind