Vision: Fight Til Your Hands Are Frozen to the Sword

Lionhearted: Unsung Heroes of Bygone Days

Chad Hovind
January 12, 2020

History is filled with leaders whose lionhearted courage made them legendary. Some men and women serve sacrificially under the radar, quietly making the world a better place. We truly need both, legends and servants, to stand up for us all. Discover the Bible's unsung heroes whose accomplishments still echo through time, and learn to make history of your own. Join Horizon for Lionhearted, an Exploring series.

Other Messages in this Series

Message Date Speaker Actions Downloads
Courage: In a Pit on a Snowy Day
Lionhearted: Unsung Heroes of Bygone Days
Chad Hovind
Sacrifice: For the Love of a Leader
Lionhearted: Unsung Heroes of Bygone Days
Drew Thorwall
Loyalty: Staying Faithful in Life or Death
Lionhearted: Unsung Heroes of Bygone Days
Chad Hovind