Turn Back Wanderers


Chad Hovind
August 25, 2024

We hear idioms all the time, certain phrases that guide our lives.  These adages can steer our thinking and sharpen decision-making. Maybe a grandparent said it; maybe you heard it from a teacher or coach.  Maybe your parents hammered home their wisdom in a well-worn axiom.  Some are movie quotes, some were penned by a classic author, but quite a few found their origin in the Bible, the source for many idioms that can serve as wise signposts for our lives.

Songs This Sunday

  • Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Green Day
  • Weary Traveler: Jordan St. Cyr

Other Messages in this Series

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Don’t Take Tomorrow for Granted
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Be Doers Not Just Hearers
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Be Swift To Hear & Slow to Anger
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Pursue Wisdom From Above
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Count It All Joy
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