Sowing Seeds for Tomorrow

Futures: How Today's Changes Become Tomorrow's Reality

Gary Sweeten
March 25, 2007

As the 21st century takes shape, more and more people are stopping to assess their professional and personal motives. What is the best use of their time, talents, and connections? And how does one define success in a world where the only constant is change?  In this six-week series Horizon Community Church explores Futures…How Today’s Changes Become Tomorrow’s Reality.

Other Messages in this Series

Message Date Speaker Actions Downloads
Investing for Tomorrow
Futures: How Today's Changes Become Tomorrow's Reality
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Persevering for Tomorrow
Futures: How Today's Changes Become Tomorrow's Reality
Chad Hovind
Scheduling for Tomorrow
Futures: How Today's Changes Become Tomorrow's Reality
Chad Hovind
Writing for Tomorrow
Futures: How Today's Changes Become Tomorrow's Reality
Chad Hovind
Pursuing for Tomorrow
Futures: How Today's Changes Become Tomorrow's Reality
Chad Hovind