The Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Story (Sunday evening)

Sunday, January 21
8:00 p.m. - 9:15 p.m.

Understand and come to grips with the  defining moments and key relationships that have shaped your unique “story.”

Horizon men are invited to join Ryan Ventura as he leads this 6-session Authentic Manhood Series: A Man and His Story.

  • Learn from your past.
  • Come alive in your present.
  • Enjoy God’s best and prepare for your future. 

Each session stands alone and is ideal for men with busy travel schedules. Please attend as many sessions as your schedule allows, either Sunday evenings or Monday mornings. 

Craft beer and wings from Fifty West will be offered on Sunday, Jan. 21st and a coffee bar and pastries will be offered on Monday, Jan. 22nd.

Session 1:            My Origin Story

Date:                     Sun., 1/21 or Mon., 1/22


Session 2:            Dad

Date:                     Sun., 1/28 or Mon., 1/29


Session 3:            Mom

Date:                     Sun., 2/4 or Mon., 2/5


Session 4:            Growth

Date:                     Sun., 2/18 or Mon., 2/19


Session 5:            Friendship

Date:                     Sun., 2/25 or Mon., 2/26


Session 6:            Courage

Date:                     Sun., 3/4 or Mon., 3/5

No prior Bible knowledge is needed to join this group.

  • Materials will be distributed at the first session.
  • Childcare is not offered for the study.
  • Please notify us if you register for this group but your plans change and you are not able to attend. Email John Kirby at or call 513 200-6464.

This series promises to be inspirational, thought-provoking and entertaining!

To register for this group, click the registration button.

Event Details

Date: Sunday, January 21
Time: 8:00p.m. – 9:15p.m.
Location: Horizon Atrium
3950 Newtown Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45244
Contact: John Kirby
513 200-6464
Childcare: Childcare is not provided for this group.