Have you ever wondered what the Bible is really all about? This introductory study reveals how all the pages of the Bible, across centuries of human experience, are woven together into one seamless story. You are invited to explore with us.
This study will cover the people, places, and promises of the Bible, showing how the Bible connects as one beautiful, seamless thread. Together we will explore original locations and unique historical insights through the actual words on the pages of the Bible. No prior Bible knowledge is needed.
Attend as many sessions as your schedule allows.
- Materials will be distributed at the first session.
- Childcare by RSVP will be available for children infant through 4th grade.
Questions? Contact Gail Maue, Women’s Ministry Leader, at 513 478-4364 or email gmaue@horizoncc.com
Please register for this study (and childcare, if needed) using the link below.