"Challenging Leaders to Change the World"
God can raise everyone to lead something or to lead someone. Imagine the impact of what God might do if He grabbed the hearts of the leaders of leaders, decision makers, and professionals who live in our community. Imagine the changes that could occur around the world through God’s use of their lives, social and professional influence, financial resources and visionary spirit. Imagine the impact these leaders of leaders could have on physical and spiritual poverty and the cause of Christ throughout the U.S. and beyond.
“To comfortably connect people to God through the Bible and a community of growing Christ-followers.”
We believe that the Bible is the guiding force for good decision-making. Our marriages, our families, and ultimately our eternities can be better when we understand it deeply. God has invited us to be part of a community that fosters growing closer to Him, becoming stronger in faith, and seeing His values and His purpose take hold in our lives.