The Horizon Story
In 1997, a few families embarked on a four-year journey of gathering and training volunteers to form a church plant team. The purpose was, prayerfully, to start a uniquely designed church in the eastern neighborhoods of Cincinnati for our friends who were interested in God, but not necessarily interested in church. This new church was created with multiple, carefully designed environments that included two deliberately distinct service styles. This was complemented by a variety of comfortable options for relational community connection and spiritual growth. The goal was to provide the right pace and depth for everyone drawn to learn more about God at Horizon.
Horizon’s public opening didn’t feature mass postcard blasts, advertising, arm-twisting or curious people coerced from other churches. Instead, each of the 40 plant team families simply mailed to their friends a personal handwritten invitation to another nice neighborhood party... only this time at Horizon. Over 400 friends accepted the invitation and came to Horizon for the first public Sunday service on April 15, 2001. Since then, the number of people enjoying God at Horizon has quadrupled to over 1,600 on a typical weekend.
Along the way, God blessed Horizon with 70 acres of beautiful parkland, ideally situated to continue the founding vision in our beautiful, God-honoring facility. The move to our campus home in 2011 was indeed momentous, and enhances the comfortable connection of friends to God through the Bible and a community of growing followers of Christ.
Praise God for blessing this unique church and for bringing together a dedicated and talented team of staff and volunteers to help it grow. We love being part of Horizon, and we hope you do too.