
Horizon Community Church

Brendon Hansford

Elder & Exec. Board Member
Brendon Hansford

About Brendon:

Brendon grew up in the west country of England where he attended weekly Church of England services in his village’s 900 year old church.  He met his wife Christine, a Mariemont native, while they were studying at Oxford University.  After spells in London and then New York, God brought them to Cincinnati in 1999. Unenthusiastic about church as an adult, he reluctantly visited Horizon to please Christine, but stayed when he was allowed to play bass barefoot in the band. Patiently pursued by God through his friends, he gradually fell in love with God’s Word and now serves as an elder and executive board member. Christine and Brendon have three children and live in Indian Hill.

Contact Information:

Phone: 513 272-5800